Last updated 2023-12-29
This page contains a list (in alphabetical order) of the blogs and other RSS feeds I subscribe to. I use this little app to convert my exported subscriptions OPML file to HTML.
- [RSS] Aaron Parecki
- [RSS] Accidentally in Code
- [RSS] Alex Edwards
- [RSS] Alex Xu
- [RSS] Anton Zhiyanov
- [RSS] Apple
- [RSS] Architecture Notes
- [RSS] Ben Hoyt
- [RSS] Brandur Leach
- [RSS] Brian Lovin
- [RSS] C J Silverio
- [RSS] Cabel Sasser
- [RSS] Carl Johnson
- [RSS] Casey Liss
- [RSS] Chris Coyier
- [RSS] Chris Ferdinandi
- [RSS] DNC Tech Team
- [RSS] Dan Abramov
- [RSS] Daniel Stenberg
- [RSS] David Heinemeier Hansson
- [RSS] Deno
- [RSS] Discord
- [RSS] Drew DeVault
- [RSS] Edward Faulkner
- [RSS] Eli Bendersky
- [RSS] Erica Sadun
- [RSS] Fabien Sanglard
- [RSS] Forrest Smith
- [RSS] Frank Krueger
- [RSS] Froilán Irizarry Rivera
- [RSS] Gergely Orosz
- [RSS] Glyph Lefkowitz
- [RSS] Golang Weekly
- [RSS] The Guardian Engineering
- [RSS] Gunnar Morling
- [RSS] Hacker Stations
- [RSS] Hacking with Swift
- [RSS] Hawk Ticehurst
- [RSS] Indie Watch
- [RSS] Jaana Dogan
- [RSS] Jacob Kaplan-Moss
- [RSS] Jake Archibald
- [RSS] James Bennett
- [RSS] Jeff Atwood
- [RSS] Jeremy Keith
- [RSS] Jim Nielsen
- [RSS] Joel on Software
- [RSS] Johan Brandhorst
- [RSS] John Siracusa
- [RSS] Jonathan Ruiz
- [RSS] Josh W Comeau
- [RSS] Joshua Stein
- [RSS] José Padilla
- [RSS] Kenneth Finnegan
- [RSS] Kent C. Dodds
- [RSS] Luca Palmieri
- [RSS] Marco Arment
- [RSS] Martin Tournoij
- [RSS] Michael Schmitt
- [RSS] Mozilla Hacks
- [RSS] Muhammad Raza
- [RSS] Ned Batchelder
- [RSS] Netflix
- [RSS] New York Times
- [RSS] Nicolas Fränkel
- [RSS] Nolan Lawson
- [RSS] Panic
- [RSS] Paul Boyd
- [RSS] Paul Tötterman
- [RSS] Phil Eaton
- [RSS] Pinterest
- [RSS] Preslav Rachev
- [RSS] Redowan Delowar
- [RSS] Ryan Dahl
- [RSS] Scott Hanselman
- [RSS] Sean McArthur
- [RSS] Sergio Mattei
- [RSS] Simon Støvring
- [RSS] Simon Willison
- [RSS] Sketch
- [RSS] Slack
- [RSS] Swizec Teller
- [RSS] Tailscale
- [RSS] Things
- [RSS] Tim McNamara
- [RSS] Tom MacWright
- [RSS] Uwe Friedrichsen
- [RSS] Varun Gandhi
- [RSS] Visual Studio Code
- [RSS] Washington Post
- [RSS] WebKit
- [RSS] Werner Vogels
- [RSS] Yehuda Katz
- [RSS] flak
- [RSS] iOS Dev Weekly
- [RSS] tl;dr sec
- [RSS] Álvaro Ramírez